Win or lose?

The increasing commercialization of professional football is causing a rise in the pressure on clubs, players and coaches to achieve success. The scarce supply of suitable coaches is the bottleneck and hence the main problem for clubs.

Coaches who have repeatedly demonstrated their inability and lack of success in full view of the public take a short break and then start to dabble with another club. Looking at the frequency with which coaches are replaced forces the question as to why winning types are not engaged instead of losers. The answer is actually quite simple:

Winners are rare.

There are only a few coaches within the leagues with a winning mentality; the majority are losers and those with a similar mentality:
either indifferent or “0:0 types”.

The Focus on Mental Coaching?

Many clubs spend a lot of money on supplementary coaching to increase their mental, emotional and physical abilities. It goes without saying that these abilities require professional training.

Yet mental coaching and support through sports psychology set the wrong priorities, which are never able to compensate for the actual problem of strategic and tactical failure.

Where the Tactics Board comes to Life.

There may be the odd person whom you would advise to study the free match analyses and useful information on This would take the boredom out of long journeys to away matches.

However, those who claim to have only just understood how the back four works and are now trying to successfully implement it in their team might find that the current philosophizing about back threes, back fives, “pendulating” back fours as well as variability and man-orientation may well lead to cognitive dissonance.

Match Analysis Systems for up-to-the minute


Professional match analysis systems also present a hope of assistance, but using them is costly in terms of personnel, technology and finance. Most systems are restricted to analyses of scenarios with or without graphic presentation. Others continuously capture all the position and movement data on the pitch, evaluate them and supplied a wide variety of up-to-date analyses

But what’s the point of such fantastic analyses if the coach is lacking in strategic and tactical ability and the victories simply don’t come?

There is no Substitute for Victory!

Conventional coaching in top-level sport is essentially restricted to increasing mental, emotional and physical abilities. Here the coach accompanies his clients in solving a problem or in implementing defined objectives.

I am neither a “conventional” coach nor do I “accompany” my clients. I am a protagonist and a strategist and am only available to take on responsibility for the task of chief coach. Working with me is exclusively directed towards success in team sports.

Wanting to win is not enough. You have to be able to win.

Building a team by respecting and promoting the individuality of the players is demanding and calls for qualities of leadership as well as time for team development. Only stable and successful teams have sufficient time. When a coach is changed in a crisis, success is expected immediately.
With my strategic, tactical and psychological skills, I will ensure changes at short notice to immediately increase the team’s performance and create a team spirit geared toward success beyond the simple feeling of togetherness.

Change it or leave it.

If you’re not satisfied, you should change something. Whether you then will actually be content with the new situation is in fact uncertain, but without any change, nothing will improve.

Changes represent a great challenge. Only if you really are convinced of the need for a change and are able to cope with my critical and frank approach should you now seize the opportunity to make contact with an unconventional professional.
At this point you won’t receive one of the standard biographies. If football is your passion and you want success, then simply write

An e-mail to Reinhard Schuldt

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